
Weekly Youth Group for Students in Grades 5 & 6
Sundays 3:00 - 4:30 PM

about ignite

After 4th grade, the primary way that our parish continues forming disciples is through our Young Church youth ministry for grades
5-6, 7-8 and 9-12. While there is still an emphasis on teaching the truths of our faith at youth group, breaking out of the “classroom” format allows us to practice additional habits of discipleship such as fellowship and prayer.

Ignite is a subset of Young Church for youth in grades 5-6. We meet from 3:00-4:30 on Sunday afternoons during the school year. While we’d love to see you every week at Ignite, please know you are welcome to attend as often your schedule allows.

Activities at Ignite include snacks, games, faith-based activities, short teachings, and small group discussion. These sessions are led by our parish’s NET Missionaries under the supervision of Marissa Dawson, Coordinator of Youth Discipleship. We meet in the PLC Youth Room (Parish Life Center, Room 10) at St. Patrick.

ignite spring retreat

Retreat Details: 5th and 6th grade youth are invited to a 6-hour retreat led by our NET Missionaries on Saturday, April 13 from 10 AM - 4 PM in the PLC Youth Room.

If you have been to Ignite, the retreat will be a lot like that but with even more fun, more food (donuts, lunch, and snacks), more time for small group, and some fun things that you haven’t even seen yet!

There will be no Ignite the next day because of the retreat so we hope to see you there! If you have not been to Ignite this year, please join us anyways. We would love to see you there.