Becoming Catholic


‘The order of Christian Initiation of Adults’

Christian Initiation is a journey, but it is not a journey to a destination but to a person, the person of Jesus Christ.  “Becoming Catholic” is a response to God’s invitation by answering the call to follow Jesus as his disciple. This is a process of conversion, communion and discipleship.  

“Come, follow me.” — Matthew 4:19

The OCIA Process

No one is born Catholic, becoming a member of the Catholic Church is a decision. In the earliest days of the Church, those who desired to be followers of Jesus engaged in a lengthy period of preparation and instruction in the teachings of Jesus and the community of faith. This “catechumenate”, or period of learning, would lead them to receive the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.  The Catholic Church has returned to this early formation process.  Each year during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States.  Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

How does OCIA work?

This process of OCIA consists of four stages, each ending with a ritual that marks the end of one step and the beginning of another. There is never any pressure to proceed, but each step along the way follows from a deeper commitment and informed decision. For more information on the stages of OCIA you can click here.  

Who can go through ocia?

  • Unbaptized adults who desire to enter the Catholic Church -  “Catechumens”

  • Adults baptized in other Christian denominations who now desire to live out their Christian life in full Communion with the Catholic Church  -  “Candidates for full Communion”

  • Baptized Catholics who were not raised in the Catholic tradition and would now like to complete their Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation

When does ocia happen?

Understanding the Catholic Faith and learning to live as an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ is a lifelong experience!  That said, and with the understanding that no two journeys are the same, we do offer the following two schedules for Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates.

adult confirmation

fall 2024

fall 2024

If you have read through this page your journey may have already begun!  It may have also resulted in more questions, so please contact me and I will be very happy to talk. 

Please also note this link to our OCIA Information & Interest Form. Its completion does not suggest any commitment but will help in directing our conversation and OCIA plan.  Click here.

God bless you in your continued discernment! 

Anne Guminik

Director of Pastoral Formation
(810) 229-9863 Ext. 324

“Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but you will, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.” 

— St. Augustine of Hippo